Re: [LIBART] libart documentation

On Tue, 3 Oct 2000, Robin Becker wrote:

> Hi, I'm trying to get libart & gnome-font connected to Python as part of
> the pingo project. We have an existing swig connection, but it's a bit
> out of date. I observe that since Chris Lee did the original swig a few
> changes have been made to libart to allow a rendering abstraction.

I was working on a swig interface for libart for a while, but gave up
because I couldn't figure out how to display the rendered image (any
suggestions there?), and decided that it wouldn't be practical for
rendering flash animations anyway.  But if there's an existing swig .i,
I can take a shot at updating it.

> I would really like to know if any user level documentation exists for
> libart or if it will forever remain mysterious and opaque.

Second that.  The biggest problem I had learning how to use libart was
figuring out which functions were for internal use (e.g., the rasterizers,
most of the svp functions) and which were for the user.  It all came
together when I meditated on testart.c for a while.

If there is none already, I'll take on writing a tutorial covering what
I've learned.


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