RE: [LIBART] clipping

 Raph may correct me, but I don't think the Libart code has any direct
support for clipping beyond rectangles.

For my code that uses Libart and needs to clip, I wrote my own low-level
component for the Libart rasterizer as a call-back for Libart at the lowest
level.  My code processes the span lists that libart provides in the
call-back and clips when needed to an arbitrary bit-mask.

I usually generate the bit-masks by drawing a shape with libart and a
mono-chrome rasterizer callback into my code.

Granted that is a lot of work.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: libart-admin gnome org [mailto:libart-admin gnome org]On Behalf Of
> John Hunter
> Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 12:54 PM
> To: libart gnome org
> Subject: [LIBART] clipping
> Does libart have anything like postscript or SVG clipping paths, eg,
> drawing outside the clipping path will be ignored?
> grepping through the sources and docs, I don't see anything...
> libart_lgpl-2.3.10
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> Libart mailing list
> Libart gnome org

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