[libpeas] ANNOUNCE: libpeas 0.7.4

Hi everybody,

I am very proud to announce today a new release of libpeas - the gobject-based plugin engine, used by totem, gedit, vinagre, eog and others - in its latest version 0.7.4.
libpeas is a gobject-based plugins engine, and is targeted at giving 
every application the chance to assume its own extensibility.
This version is meant as a bêta for the upcoming libpeas 1.0.0 release, 
which should ship in time for Gnome 3.

== Changes since last version ==

Daniel Nylander (1):
      Updated Swedish translation

Garrett Regier (53):
      Free the loaded plugins hash table in the Seed loader
      Fix handling invalid loaders
      Fix comment in Python plugin loader
      Don't use interned strings in C plugin loader
      Add testing_init() to libpeas-gtk's libtesting
      Add a gcov make rule
      Don't use g_atexit() in the tests
      Add a test for an nonexistent search path
      Add a test for an invalid GKeyFile formatted PeasPluginInfo
      Add tests for (un)loading plugins that are already (un)loaded
      Add a test for an invalid loader
      Add an extension test for garbage collection
      Check that the extension GType is an interface
      Add tests for peas_engine_provides_extension()
      Test multiple engine shutdown in the test case
      Expand peas_engine_set_loaded_plugins() test
      Add .PHONY to Makefile.tests
      Created libtesting-util for common libtesting code
      Cleanup the plugin loaders
      Fix memory leak in _valist_to_parameter_list()
Fix error when more that 16 properties are given to _valist_to_parameter_list()
      Don't warn multiple times if peas_gi_get_method_info() fails
      Don't warn multiple times if _valist_to_parameter_list() fails
      Warn if creating an extension fails
      Fix two leaks in the Python plugin loader
      Emit debug messages when a plugin is loaded or unloaded
      Improve missing plugin dependency warning
      Implemented log hooks in libtesting-util
      Add a test for a plugin that is not loadable
      Add an extension test for an invalid property
      Remove any noncommon allowed log patterns from libtesting-util
      Link extension-c with libintrospection
Rework extension-set tests to create the PeasExtensionSet in the test case
      Add an extension set test for plugins that don't provide an extension
      Add an extension set test for creating an invalid extension set
      Added check for gdb and valgrind for test-gdb and test-valgrind
      Fix checking for gcov
      Clean test-callgrind output files
      Free C modules that fail to be used
      Don't create a PeasPluginManagerView in the store tests
      Fix GTK+ 2 test build
      Don't select the first plugin when reloading
      Return FALSE if creating the view's popup failed
      Fix test-gdb, test-valgrind and test-callgrind rules
      Remove plugins that fail to load in the C plugin loader
      Small cleanup in PeasObjectModule
      Don't save and restore stdout and stderror in construct-only test
      Fix possible memory leak in Python loader
      Fix releasing the gil state in the Python loader
      Use GObject API instead of GI API to override properties
      Don't test properites for things that should fail
      Enable all Python property tests
      Small introspection and extension-c properties cleanup

Marek Černocký (1):
      Updated Czech translation

Steve Frécinaux (19):
      Post-release version bump for 0.7.4
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'gregier/fixes'
PeasGtk: Use gtk_tree_model_get_value() instead of gtk_tree_model_get()
      Fix crash when searching a plugin in the manager.
      Remove debug statement.
      Remove peas_plugin_loader_add_module_directory()
      Make libpeas build with Python 3
      Ensure we hold the GIL when calling into python extensions.
      Add a sample vala plugin.
      Python: cleanup the way we instantiate new extensions
      Seed: remove unused value in enum
      Use properties to store python and C extension instances
      Tests: do not include main() in the EXTENSION_TESTS macro
      Add a test to check the refcount of the instance of C extensions
      Add a test to check the refcount of python extensions.
      Python: add a PeasActivatable test to check reference counts.
      Drop obsolete CFLAGS and LIBS variables.
      Do not drop all the test plugin files when running make distclean.
      Increase pygobject dependency to 2.28.0

== Download and useful links ==

The home page is:

libpeas is available for download here:

You can find the git repository here:

The bug tracker is:

The irc channel is:
#libpeas on GimpNet

The mailing list is:
libpeas-list gnome org

Steve Frécinaux

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