libseed-list Suspected thread issues with callbacks.

I was wondering if you had some insight into this issue.

Code is here :

Basically it's a pretty simple test, creates 2 widgets on a window, a button, and a treeview. After the treeview is filled via a Gio async file read, you can press on any of the tree elements, and it set's the button text to whatever tree node you pressed.
What I found however was that it would randomly segfault after a few 
presses, running gdb, indicated that the exact location of the segfault 
was not fixed, and was often inside a gtk internal refresh - unrelated 
to the setting code.
My suspicion is that this is due to thread locking (or lack thereof) 
with the Javascript code probably running in a different thread to 
Do you have any thoughts. (cursor-changed code below for reference - the 
gtk.js relies on a data file, so it's a bit difficult to test)

 'cursor-changed'  : function(tv, a) {
                             var iter = new Gtk.TreeIter();
                           var s = tv.selection;
                           s.get_selected(tv.model, iter);
// var val = "";
                           value = new GObject.Value();
                           tv.model.get_value(iter, 0, value);
                          // _g.button.set_label(''+value.get_string());
//Seed.print( value.get_string());
                           return true;

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