Re: [sigc] <lambda/group.h> problem solved

Am 27.09.2004 05:18:56 schrieb(en) Jeff Franks:
Martin Schulze wrote:
I think it's the other way round: a template keyword is missing so it really should be "... typename functor_type::template deduce_result_type< ...".
I've committed to cvs. Please check whether it works.
Thanks for the pointer, anyway!

I just downloaded the CVS and it still doesn't work.
Do you use anoncvs? This might take some time to get in sync. You  
should see the ChangeLog entry:
2004-09-26  Martin Schulze <mschulze cvs gnome org>

	* sigc++/adaptors/lambda/macros/group.h.m4: Add a missing
	template keyword in the definition of deduce_result_type::type
	(hopefully fixes #152327).

The substitution that the compiler is proposing is just the typedef.
(functor_type is defined as sigc::adaptor_trait<T_functor>::adaptor_type).


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