[sigc] Statically linking in a closed-source app

Hi all, it seems that my question comes hot on the heels of the licensing discussion held last month...
I've hoping to use libsigc++ in a closed-source app and link it in  
statically, so that we can minimise the required dependencies.  I'd  
like to know if this is OK with people: I'm happy with releasing any  
changes we make to the libsigc++ source code or provide the compiled  
object files at some FTP site so that a user could theoretically swap  
out the libsigc++ implementation in the app with another one (good  
luck :), but I don't know if you, the libsigc++ developers, are OK  
with that.

% Andre Pang : trust.in.love.to.save  <http://www.algorithm.com.au/>

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