[sigc] dereference lambda has void return value


I'm playing with sigc++ lambdas and I want to use the dereferencing operator on a lambda selector. It doesn't work with objects having operator*, somehow, the compiler can't deduce the return type.
There might be a simple explanation but I just don't see thru...

#include <tr1/memory>
#include <sigc++/adaptors/lambda/lambda.h>

class X
  void do_sg() const

int main()
  std::tr1::shared_ptr<X> p(new X);
  sigc::group(&X::do_sg, *sigc::_1)(p);

  // error source can be reduced to the following statement:

  return 0;

g++ compiler error:
/usr/include/sigc++-2.0/sigc++/adaptors/lambda/group.h:93: error: invalid use of void expression /usr/include/sigc++-2.0/sigc++/adaptors/lambda/group.h:93: error: return-statement with a value, in function returning 'void' /usr/include/sigc++-2.0/sigc++/adaptors/lambda/operator.h:489: error: return-statement with a value, in function returning 'void'

Klaus Triendl

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