[sigc] creating custom signal with Visual Studio 2005 Pro

I'm working on a GTKmm application and want to create my own signals. I've tried it like in http://www.gtkmm.org/docs/gtkmm-2.4/docs/tutorial/html/apc.html It's compiling well but I'm getting an access violation in "\microsoft visual studio 8\vc\include\xutility" when executing signal.connect(...). I haven't found MS 2005 in compaible compiler list. Are there many probems with or can this one be patched?
Here is the callstack:
> AudioVisD.exe!std::_Iterator_base::_Orphan_me() Line 174 + 0x3 Bytes C++
    AudioVisD.exe!std::_Iterator_base::~_Iterator_base()  Line 151    C++
AudioVisD.exe!std::_Bidit<sigc::slot_base,int,sigc::slot_base const *,sigc::slot_base const &>::~_Bidit<sigc::slot_base,int,sigc::slot_base const *,sigc::slot_base const &>() + 0x16 Bytes C++ AudioVisD.exe!std::list<sigc::slot_base,std::allocator<sigc::slot_base> >::_Const_iterator<1>::~_Const_iterator<1>() + 0x16 Bytes C++ AudioVisD.exe!std::list<sigc::slot_base,std::allocator<sigc::slot_base> >::_Iterator<1>::~_Iterator<1>() + 0x16 Bytes C++ AudioVisD.exe!sigc::signal1<void,AVTab &,sigc::nil>::connect(const sigc::slot<void,AVTab &,sigc::nil,sigc::nil,sigc::nil,sigc::nil,sigc::nil,sigc::nil> & slot_={...}) Line 1799 + 0x95 Bytes C++ AudioVisD.exe!AVMainWindow::addFile(const std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > & filename="asdf") Line 152 + 0x74 Bytes C++

And there it occurs

   void __CLR_OR_THIS_CALL _Orphan_me()
       {    // cut ties with parent
       if (_Mycont != 0 && _Mycont->_Myfirstiter != _IGNORE_MYITERLIST)
           {    // adopted, remove self from list
           _Iterator_base **_Pnext =
               (_Iterator_base **)&_Mycont->_Myfirstiter;
while (*_Pnext != 0 && *_Pnext != this) /*crash here with illegal _Pnext*/
               _Pnext = &(*_Pnext)->_Mynextiter;

           if (*_Pnext == 0)
           *_Pnext = _Mynextiter;
           _Mycont = 0;

Michael Kunz

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