Dear GNOME list owners, as you must have noticed by now, the long-unused listowners gnome org mailing list has been reactivated in the last 24 hours. Firstly because it is important and useful to have ways to easily contact you at any moment, but most specially due to some changes which are about to happen and are going to require some communication. The current situation basically indicates that list matters have been somewhat neglected. There are highly-used lists which have not been taken care of for years, some of which have already popped up and been given to our Moderator Team. On the other hand, there are others which are no longer used, should have been archived and still have not; consequently, they are at the moment only collecting enormous amounts of spam in their queues of held messages, which is likely never going to be dealt with. What will be taking place during this month and probably the next one is a process to help us identify inactive and overly busy list owners, so that new owners can be appointed to their lists and/or the moderation tasks can be handed to the Moderator Team. Finally, unnecessary lists shall be removed, and only their archives be preserved indefinitely. This is simply a status update so that you have an idea about what will be happening next, and that you are aware you shall hear from me again soon. If doubts arise, or if you have any suggestions, feel free to mail me back. Yours, Guilherme de S. Pastore The GNOME Sysadmin Team
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