Re: Feature request: info about elevation

On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 12:19 PM, Andreas Nilsson <lists andreasn se> wrote:
On 05/02/2014 02:18 PM, Paolo Leoni wrote:
Hi all,
thank you for the very interesting Gnome Maps application.

I've a simple feature request for you: can you implement elevation info in
Gnome Maps? OpenStreetMap integrate it (through tag "ele").

Thank you anyway.

For someone who's more of a noob regards to OSM. What does elevation mean?
How high up something is?
Yes. :)

How would it be used? In what situations does it help me as a user?
I don't know really, planning a glide or basejump? :)


Zeeshan Ali (Khattak)
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