Re: Regarding GNOME Maps Project

Hi Sumaid,

I sent you a reply to your previous email that you sent to me directly.

On Fri, 18 Jan 2019 at 14:10, Sumaid Ali Syed
<sumaid ali students iiit ac in> wrote:
Sir or Mam,
I'm Sumaid from IIITH, India. I am fascinated by the idea of open source development, and I'm looking 
forward to contributing to such projects.
As a beginner, I started fixing issues on GNOME maps. I am looking forward to applying as GSoC aspirant 
under GNOME organization.

I wanted to ask if you would know whether GNOME has planned a project on Maps for GSoC this year. I have 
few proposals for project ideas for GNOME Maps.
Any help regarding open source development or GSoC would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks & Regards,
maps-list mailing list
maps-list gnome org

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