Re: ?!

On Fri, 2004-02-13 at 15:12, Luis Villa wrote:

> * Release Notes:
>         For GNOME 2.4, John Fleck took an awesome lead in collecting
>         these and getting them ready for the web, which resulted in
> If someone could volunteer to do
>         the same for 2.6, that would rule. It's basically a matter of
>         asking module maintainers for changes since 2.4, collating them
>         into one place, and integrating them with stolen bits from the
>         old notes. Also, ideally this is ready some time before the
>         actual release- it's nice to be able to get this ready for
>         reviewers and such.

Just to make it clear, I've already started taking a stab at this and
e-mailing module maintainers.

I've also taken the liberty of storing details in a Calc file (its
easy!) such that:
Module	Maintainer	Notes	E-mail'ed	Responded	Further Action

Sort of thing... To make my life "easier".

> * Screenshots:
>         This has always been a fun and incredibly last-minute thing; it
>         would be fun if we got our buts in gear this year and maybe had
>         a nice Gallery or something of screenshots showing off people's
>         fun GNOME 2.6 desktops.

Jdub said this can wait, till much later, so it will wait, but again, I
believe we'll be taking a stab at getting some nice screenshots.
Colin Charles, byte aeon com my - Fedora News Updates

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