Making websites for gnome-apps sexier

I dare to claim that the websites for various gnome-apps needs to get sexier. Right now it's a bit hard to find information on how to start hacking on your favorite gnome-app. This might lead to people intersted in contributing to a project, don't have a clue where to look. Some projects have websites on, some of them are nice (the evolution site is fantastic), but some are really unmaintained and are in desperate need of updates (like the nautilus website and the one for g-conf).
The other day I came across the new gedit website 
( and it was really nice.
It included how to get the software both via ftp and via CVS for those 
interested in hacking. It also included some nice screenshots and a 
short description of the software.
I also discovered that it was really easy to alter the gedit-site to 
make it fit for other projects and gave the nautilus website a 
here for my results: Hopefully 
it will be up on the main site in a couple of days.
So, in order to make it easier for new contributors, I suggest that a 
lookover of the sites in and that sites that not 
look that good gets this small facelift.
I volunteer to make some of the work, but hopefully someone else are 
willing to do some work too. It's really easy anyone with some knowledge 
of html and it'll take a couple of hours for each project, tops.
- Andreas

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