Re: Promoting GNOME in Portugal - aLANtejo 2005

Hello Bruno,

On Sun, 2005-10-02 at 22:11 +0000, Bruno Teixeira wrote: 

> Now that we have a confirmed speaker - his information is in the end of 
> this email -, it would make perfect sense to have GNOME's presence in 
> our event.
> Parallel to the congress, there will be a tent reserved for technologie 
> showings and sponcers, where we could have a GNOME stand. We could also 
> have GNOME banners and such things. 

Thank you for this invitation. There are some GNOME banners in Europe,
so this should be possible depending on the schedule of other events.

> Also, would it be possible to have 
> some suport on the travel expenses of the speaker.

Let me discuss this with Juan José Sánchez Penas and the foundation

Best regards,


> Information on the GNOME speaker:
> Juan José Sánchez Penas

> The Computer Science Students Association (NEEI) from the University of Evora in Portugal 
> is organizing, in association with the Computer Science Department, a Congress on Information 
> Technologies on the 20th, 21st 22nd of October 2005 (after a reschedule). The event is called 
> aLANtejo 2005, you can browse the our home page at .
> It is inteded to be a nation wide event with audiences not only from the student population, 
> but from leading companies from the Information Technology field as well, especially in the 
> Alantejo Region.

> We would like to have a Round Table with Kde and Gnome representatives, to discuss
>  the different technical aspects as well as the different choices  made during the
>  process of creating the Desktop Suites. We would be extremely grateful if you could
>  attend our forthcoming event. 

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