Potential availability of new fonts, Stix fonts

Hi All,
A project that has been running for around 10 years to create a set of fonts of the academic community, is about to release the work near the end of the 2005. The font has glyphs (characters) for Latin Basic, Latin Extended A and B, Cyrillic and Greek, making it quite valuable if it could be open-source/freedom software.
They just announced a draft distribution license of the fonts, that 
roughly resembles the license of Bitstream Vera, with caveats.
See http://www.stixfonts.org/user_license.html
At the same page you can send comments on the license.

A write-up is available at

I tried to get debian-legal to give some concrete direction

If you can chip in and make sure the license is properly free, it would be good for the community.

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