Re: collecting negative reviews

Luis Villa wrote:

It would be a good idea for someone to find and categorize all the
negative reviews too, so that we can address those issues (either by
fixing problems or educating reviewers) during the next release cycle.

Any volunteers? :)

Some more.

A. Slashdot article "GNOME 2.12 Released"

1. Users appear to link strongly GNOME and Ubuntu. Ubuntu success is GNOME success.
2. Graphics hardware accelaration, when available, will be a very strong turning point for users.
Whichever of GNOME/KDE getting working out of the box, should get a big boost here.  [flicker-free]
3. The "menu editor" saga. Currently there is some confusion between the GNOME menu editor and "Smeg".
Are they the same? Some users are confused. Some users think that the "GNOME menu editor" does not offer as much functionality as Smeg.
4. Window focus issues. Some applications take long to launch. Therefore, if a user in the meantime does some other work, his application looses the focus of the newly started app comes up. The recommendation here could be: if the user starts an application that takes long to come up, and she changes the focus to another application, the newly started application should loose the focus (but perhaps blick on the panel).
A user responded that this issue has been fixed in 2.12
B. OSNews article "*GNOME 2.12 Released"

1. Access Control List (ACL) support in Nautilus (that's "permissions").
Is Eiciel part of GNOME? Provides ACL support.
2. Question on UI performance when using Cairo. Users believe there will be an increase, though the
backend is not there. Perhaps market that now we have an infrastructure that will be revamped latter.
3. gedit support for gnome-vfs? Is that an issue? [No.]
4. Reply on Memory reduction and Cairo
Our position is listed here; we continue to work on memory reduction, and Cairo is infrastructure for blazing fast graphics, once backend comes ready.
5. Block-select tool for GEdit
6. "Snappy" feeling when using the GNOME UI? Interface should be responsive.
7. Have functionality similar to XP/etc so that specific folders will hide by default the files when accessed by Nautilus;
An option should be there to "unhide". That way, non-accessible files will not be shows by default.
8. Does metacity offer edge-resistance? (when you move a window near the edge of the screen, does it snap to the edge?)
9. Big list: Resource consuption (cannot use in Terminal Server), central registry is wrong (???), multimedia applications crash often [admitedly, due to binary codecs? Have a list of video files and do automated regression testing?].
10. Current icon theme set is outdated?
11. Rename folders, such as /etc is /Settings and so on.
Discussion follows. This is a freedesktop issue, not GNOME, right?
12. GTranslator vs KBabel (help you localise software).
KBabel wins hands down over GTranslator. Actually GNOME localisers have the kdelibs around just for KBabel to run...

C. OSNews article "**Gnome 2.12: On the Road of Evolution"**
~120 comments, not done.

D. OSNews article "**GTK+ 2.8.0 Released**"
~100 comments, not done.


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