Re: Revamped

rajiv vyas wrote:

On Sat, 2005-09-17 at 19:45 -0400, Luis Villa wrote:
On 9/13/05, Andreas Nilsson <nisses mail home se> wrote:
Hugh Buzacott wrote:

I am still pushing for a new so I created a mock-up.

The mock-up is at and is only a front
page but has links to the rest of normal through the header.

It is just a suggestion so if you have any ideas and so forth just
send them.

Are you looking for some inputs on text as well or just on layout?


"GNOME is an Open-Source <> Operating System <> built to be stable..." I think some people would not agree that GNOME is an Operating System. GNU/Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris are operating systems, GNOME is a Desktop Enviorment (or Desktop Suite as said in the What is GNOME-box sounds nicer).
I like the rest though. Still a lot of text, but it's way better than 
the current frontpage.
- Andreas

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