Re: The relation with

On 7/14/06, Eugenia Loli-Queru <eloli hotmail com> wrote:

reader's service is my goal, not politicalities.
those things you call "politicalities" might be important goals for
the project whose trademarked name you're taking for your website.

if you opened, microsoft would have it shut down in
24 hours.  same with apple and, and so on.  that's
because you'd be using a trademark without proper authorization.

in the case of gnome... you're also using a trademark without proper
authorization!  so believe it or not, you can't just put non-free
software or pr0n or whatever you feel like (and the gnome foundation
doesn't approve), while still using gnome's trademark.

i'm not saying the gnome foundation will do anything about your
unauthorized trademark usage, i'm not saying it won't; i'm just saying
you must realize that you're using a trademark, and because of that
you must abide by the trademark holder's rules.

please don't cry censorship or anything, because the rules are more
than clear: anyone can post anything they feel like... but not in the
name on someone else.  and if you don't believe me, try opening, load it with warez, and see what happens. is a GTK software repository.
why not calling it then??

Santiago Roza
Proyecto Tiny ERP Argentina
Departamento I+D - Thymbra
santiago roza thymbra com

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