Re: Planet GNOME block (was Re: Page Layout Update)

2006/9/13, Lee Tambiah <l_tambiah linuxmail org>:
> What about filtering p.g.o posts upon tags, including on the home page
> only ones tagged under "GNOME" (of course bloggers must tag all their
> posts)?
> Luca

I'm not totally sure but the filter may fail sometimes, exposing the possible risk of
displaying explicit content which is a big NO NO. Im struggling to visualize what the
component would look like now though with only hackergotchis to offer, so a quick
mock-up would be nice to convince me, so we can accept this component with a full
heart ;-).


L. Tambiah
I'm afraid that having just the hackergotchis, without real content,
will not give that feeling of living-web-page you are probably looking
for. Having an animated GIF with some cycling hackergotchis linked to
p.g.o will produce the same effect. Moreover GNOME fans know and
"love" GNOME hackers, but for all other visitors hackergotchis are
just anonymous funny heads.


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