Re: Pushing a wgo section (was Re: Screenshot link on frontpage)

Good! Welcome on board.
Thanks. Glad to be here =)

In fact the invitation is for a longer trip, in which drafts with colors
come at a later stage. At the beginning it might sound boring but I
assure you double excitement when the time of visuals drafts come, and
triple satisfaction on March 14, 2007.
Very professional planing I must say!

What follows are final deadlines not to miss. If you complete your
stages before, great:
Are there anyone that have reached the October 18th milestone, so I
can get a feeling how it is supposed to be done?

* October 18th - You have a wiki page explaining what is this section
about and how it will be organized. The more detailed, the better.
  * November 8th - Your wiki page has a specific plan to be discussed,
    including structure of subpages and contents to appear on each page.
    Mockups are useful.
  * December 6th - Feature Freeze. You have an agreed structure,
    contents and look&feel mockups.
  * December 20th - Alpha Phase completed. You have a prototype in the
    CMS which is browsable and has some real texts and images in a real
    theme, all drafts.
  * January 10th - Goal Freeze. Goals not catching the schedule are
    dropped. But we won't let this happen to a wgo section.
  * January 24th - UI Freeze. Theme, images and any graphic stuff is
  * February 14th - String Freeze. Static English texts completed.
  * March 5th - Release Candidate.
  * March 14th - 2.18 Final Release.

See where this comes from at
Where did you find this milestone plan? I can't find it in the link above.

You would coordinate the section. This doesn't mean that you do the
work. You won't be alone. It will be fun.
I think it will as well as educational.


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