Re: A Meeting with a Mission

John Williams wrote:
Hello all,

I have taken it upon myself to organise a meeting of interested folk
with the purpose of discussing the Mission of the Marketing Team.  If
you are interested in participating, please visit this page:

While you are there, please edit the table that shows who wants to be
included, and what time zone you are in.  I have tried to pick a day and
time that suits all the people I know about, but I suspect more people
may want to "attend".
Hey folks,

I'll try to make it, but I'm supposed to be on a plane that evening from 9-11pm EDT. However, the flight is always late, which means there is good chance I'll be in the air during the meeting and end up missing it.
So I'll put my stake down and say that I'm willing to look into some of 
the swag related issues.  Collecting designs, contacting the board about 
easier licensing for people without a GUG (most of North America), and 
getting more swag than just the one t-shirt.  Being in the US, I'd 
imagine that the result will be a little North America centric, so if 
someone from other parts of the world wants to help, let me know.

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