Re: Take the tour draft page

Changes made.

Sorry for the delay, last week we had finally ADSL at home (but no
landline). Then They put the landline and the ADSL disappeared...
until Friday.

I'm going ahead with the plan. Say thanks to the GNOME colleagues
working at Nokia. They keep asking about the wgo all the time.  :)

On 2/4/07, John Williams <john williams lists gmail com> wrote:
links for "free software" (FSF?) and "join us" (Somewhere on l.g.o.?)
Link to FSF set. Having a "Get involved" section in wgo with a visible
link in the header I donçt think we need to push the "join us" thing
more. And definitely no direct jump to lgo provided in this section.

> We need to solve the blocks in the right column.
Do you mean "what content should be in those blocks?"

Quim Gil ///

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