Re: New Project: GNOME YouTube Video Contest

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 5:51 PM, Stormy Peters <stormy gnome org> wrote:
> How about a video contest for GNOME desktop tips and howtos? (Sriram
> Ramkrisha had this great idea on IRC and I thought I'd bring it over to the
> marketing list.)
> Users upload them to YouTube and we put them all in one channel.
> Working with Google, we might be able to also sign up for the YouTube
> partner program for them.
> Benefits:
> Lots of howto videos for GNOME related technologies. (Lots of technologies
> and companies are successfully using video to help out new users now. Lately
> I've watched several really useful ones for some really simple things.)
> Help GNOME users that are googling for answers
> Generate excitement around GNOME
> Generate word of mouth marketing for GNOME technologies
> Work/Costs:

Endorsing/using proprietary software (AFAIK none of the free flash
players plays youtube acceptably, at least using code that is legally
available in the US.)


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