Re: Material for GNOME Events

It would be nice if there were some resource on the Marketing Wiki
page where people could find and download posters, brochures, etc.
that people could print out and use if they needed for their booth.
Also, presentations might be useful to help give people ideas of
what they could show off.


One of the things we have talked about is providing talking points for
people manning a GNOME booth. A list of most commonly asked questions,
points we want to make, things to demo, etc. Plus handouts.

I think we have an opportunity to put this in practice.

Christer Edwards is putting together the GNOME booth for the Utah Open
Source Conference in October. He plans to give GNOME demos but was
asking if there are key points we want to make.

Thoughts from people that have manned booths at other conferences? Demos
that worked particularly well? Points we as the GNOME marketing team
want to make sure we make?

I know at SCALE they showed the Friends of GNOME page and wished they
had handouts. Perhaps we could put together handouts about what the
GNOME Foundation is, what GNOME is and a Friends of GNOME page?

I also saw that if Inkscape was open, people tended to stop and just
play with it.


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