GNOME 3.0 Hackfest + 1 day conference for the launch(in Asia)

Dear marketing and documentation team,

I'd like to echo the call we made to the release team here
and get a consensus on which date works better around GNOME 3.0 release 
(April 06) for each team to have a hackfest. We've been discussing the 
plan since September with various members of each team (to get the 3 
teams together in a hackfest before a 1 day conference to celebrate 
GNOME 3.0 launch with the public in Asia) though emails and at the 
Boston Summit.
We have received 3 great proposals with a competitive budget from 
Bangalore, Bali and Hong Kong and will be supported by the GNOME 
Foundation for people who need travel subsidies. We are doing a final 
review today.
So it is definitely time for us to try to agree on a good date for everyone.

Thank you to let us know.


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