Re: Marketing Materials in git

On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 7:26 PM, Paul Cutler <pcutler gnome org> wrote:
> Thoughts?  I don't know if we need an answer right away, or if we'll
> have a quorum in the meeting Saturday, but I'd be curious to hear what
> people think.

I'm not sure i"ll be able to make the meeting Saturday, but I do want
to chime in on this. Having some form of central repository and/or
some kind of revision control is a great idea. But I think git is just
a wee bit too developer focused to be comfortable for a lot of people
we might hope to attract to the marketing team. I'm sure some folks on
this list have strong tech skills and strong marketing skills, but
that's not the norm.

What can we use that would be better suited for a non-technical
audience that might meet the same goals?

It's tempting to say to newcomers, "these are the tools everybody else
in the project uses, so here you go" but I think that's the wrong
approach to expand our reach. We need tools that are a bit less scary
for people who don't usually work with command line tools and so on.

Maybe we should be looking at Alfresco or some other CMS/ECM?


Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier <jzb zonker net>

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