Re: Introductions


I was triggered by this conversation as I have recently approached several companies to sponsor Guadec. One of the companies that declined, was Cap Gemini and I got some interesting feedback that relates to branding as well. They told me that large system integrators like themselves mostly do support and training on whole distributions like Ubuntu and Suse etc.
The marketing challenge with regard to branding would probably be then 
to associate one brand with another, like Intel has so succesfully done 
by having the 'Intel'inside ' logo on hardware and having joined TV 
commercials with software and hardware vendors.
Just felt like sharing this. Hope it's useful and hopefully I'll see the 
'Gnome inside' logo flickering on my next mobile phone ;-).
Sanne, Guadec organisation

Nelson Marques schreef:

 I can provide some documentation regarding Brand Management if you
need. This is actually a complex subject. If you need help I can help
with it as well.

 There's a very good publication from Philip Kotler (currently the top
personality in Marketing) named "Brand Management", there is also a
chapter in "Marketing Management" (the bible of Marketing) which covers
some points.

 I have a large collection of books which I can share with whoever wants
to take a look.

 Meanwhile I'll just compile some stuff that I have from my university
which might be useful.

 Anything you need, just ask.


 PS: I would assume GNOME is going to be taken as an "Umbrella brand",

On Thu, 2010-02-11 at 09:23 -0600, Brian Cameron wrote:
Hello, my name is Brian Cameron and there is some information about me

I have worked for Sun Microsystems (now becoming Oracle) for over 10
years, over 8 of those years on the GNOME project.  I am on the GNOME
Foundation board of directors and acting as the secretary.

I am really more of a developer than a marketing person, but I have
been involved with marketing-related discussions for the past few
years, and attended the last Marketing hackfest in Chicago.  Any board
member often deals with marketing topics and opportunities, and one of
the reasons I participate is because I think the GNOME marketing-list
is one of the more important GNOME forums for board members to be
involved with.

I also tend to work closely with the GNOME legal team, and I tend to
get involved with marketing issues that involve working with the legal

For example, one marketing related task I am currently working on with
the legal team is to put together more comprehensive trademark
agreements so that GNOME is better prepared to license the GNOME brand
to organizations who want to sell GNOME branded merchandise.


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