Re: 2012 conferences...

Do we have GNOME 3 presentations available on the Wiki?  I looked on
the Presentations page, but the only GNOME 3 talk seems to be the one
Paul Cutler wrote before GNOME 3 was released.  I remember Vincent
having a really nice GNOME 3 talk but am not sure where it might be


What is your planned topic?  Are you planning to discuss GNOME 3.4
improvements specifically?  It might be nice to take a GNOME 3 talk
and update it to discuss the progression of GNOME through 3.2 and 3.4
and updating the screenshots to better highlight some newer features.


On 12/22/11 09:15 PM, Sriram Ramkrishna wrote:
I think we need to start scoping out conferences for the next year and
figure out how we are going to talk about GNOME 3.4.

There are a number of talks I'm thinking of presenting:

1) Open Source Bridge 2nd quarter 2012
2) Northwest Linuxfest 2nd quarte 2012
3) Linuxcon - wherever - 3rd quarter 2012

We should definitely talk about our marketing plans.


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