Marketing Help for GNOME 3

Marketing Team:

You probably noticed that I just emailed the marketing list about the
fact that the GNOME Foundation is seeking consulting help for GNOME 3
and that the deadline for resume submission is next Tuesday the 8th.

The GNOME Foundation would appreciate it if the marketing team could
provide some input about this process.

I know the Marketing Team has a fairly well developed roadmap, and
many entries seem to be without owners.  There seems no shortage of
work to do...

So, I am curious to hear what people from the marketing team think
about this and to help with prioritizing and planning.  If The GNOME
Foundation were to hire someone to help with marketing, what do you
think would be best way to focus their energies?  Or how do you think
such help could best assist the GNOME Marketing team?  For example, do
we need someone to help with putting together content, project
management help, or something else?


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