Re: getting

On 01/10/2011 01:04 AM, Allan Day wrote:
Andreas Nilsson<nisses mail home se>  wrote:
On 01/04/2011 09:11 PM, Stormy Peters wrote:

We do have and we worked on it at the last marketing hackfest. At
that time, it was really close to launching ...
This design is a bit different from the one I did at the Marketing Hackfest
in Spain, but it has basically the same stuff + some new content that Allan
recently put together.
No videos for now, since we don't have any ready, but a bunch of
screenshots, some info, a faq and ways to try it. We can add more stuff, or
refocus the page if needed later.
Should be pretty ready to launch.
- Andreas
A few things:

  * The exclamation mark needs to be removed from 'And much, much more'
  * I've tweaked the distraction free computing paragraph: .
  * 'removes the need to switch from keyboard to mouse' needs to be
removed from the everything at your fingertips paragraph
Ooo, and one last thing - the buttons for get it and the faq kinda
break up the flow of the text. If you want to keep them there, maybe
we should remove the first paragraph ('For GNOME 3...')? Otherwise,
what about moving those buttons, possibly to the bottom of the page?
Agreed. Fixed.
- Andreas

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