Re: Volunteers needed for the Desktop Summit!

On 07/25/2011 01:53 PM, Andreas Nilsson wrote:
On 07/22/2011 07:52 PM, Andreas Nilsson wrote:
On 07/18/2011 03:34 PM, Ekaterina Gerasimova wrote:
..there will be a table provided for exactly this purpose near the
registration. I can recommend a few places in Berlin which will do the
printing and Andreas Nilsson will get some of the more recent GNOME
designs together.
These things would probably be good to sell:
* Adult t-shirt
Do we also have some unsold older stuff left? Like past FOSDEM 
t-shirts or the OLPC t-shirt?
It seems I keep talking to myself. :)
Some things we have since before that people are able to bring:
* Unsold kids t-shirts that Rosanna has that will be brought by someone (I can't remember who this was). * A bunch of FOSDEM t-shirts currently at Chritophe Fergeau's house, Marc-Andre will bring these from Paris. Unsure how many they are.
* Some OLPC t-shirts that Brian will bring.

So, therefore it's probably safe to not print any new kids t-shirts.
Here are the numbers Stormy dug up for how many t-shirts we probably need, based on previous conferences. Lets say we print 250 it total.
* 10% S
* 25% M
* 35% L
* 20% XL
* 10% outsize (split over XXL & XXXL)
* Ladies, about 20 in total. Mostly S and M.

Karen: Are you still up for helping getting these printed? (I hope we have time to print them till next Friday)
The design is here:
- Andreas

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