
On 02/06/2012 04:28 PM, Andre Klapper wrote:
       * I was asked twice if the POSTERS ("official desktop of happy
         people") are available but did not know the wiki URL by heart.
         For the next print it should be written on them in a small font
         in a dark corner.
I printed the posters for a French conference, the JDLLs, a few years 
ago. IIRC, they were pretty expensive to do a small run (it was a French 
equivalent to Kinkos) - a cheaper solution would be nice.
The sources for the smaller ones (blue sky, water drop on leaf) are here:

They needed to be cropped after printing, which was a shame. But 1600x1200 gave a nice finish, I think.
For Andreas's posters (Happy People, On Time, Every Language) the SVGs 
are in the wiki. They used to be linked from here: but they seem 
harder to find now. Did someone "reorganise" the wiki page and remove 
links to previous stuff again? I know that the pages tend to clutter 
over time, but I'd really like to be able to find the high quality stuff 
people have dome for us when I need them.
On digging: - under 
"Older posters" (note: the blue sky & drops posters which are listed 
there are available in 1600x1200, and print fine on A2).
And finally, the other poster I did (as I mentioned to some of you) in 
about 1 hour, based on the first page of Máirín's excellent branding 
There are also the business card template she did a while ago (which 
also seems to have dropped off the resources page):
Oh - and in writing this email, I see that the "business card" link in 
"MarketingMaterial" is a dead link. I'll comment it out of the wiki page.
I've attached the SVG for the poster, I think it is just the cover of 
the branding guidelines slightly reorganised for the right paper size. 
It's not the same as the PDF which finally printed for the poster, I had 
to hack around a bit with it to get rid of some gradient effects that 
weren't working in Adobe Acrobat with the printer, IIRC.
Hope this helps!

Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
dneary gnome org
Jabber: nearyd gmail com

Attachment: GnomeBluePoster.svg
Description: image/svg

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