Re: community managers

I think Dave's point was that we missed an opportunity to keep
Cinnamon as GNOME 3 - because at one point it was GNOME 3.x with
extensions piled on. They have since forked and are truly a separate
project now, but that wasn't always the case. If we had made it clear
that they & their users were still using GNOME 3, we might have been
able to bring them into the larger GNOME tent and kept them from
forking and going their separate way. Just because someone is using
extensions doesn't mean they aren't using GNOME 3, any more than my
use of HTTPS Everywhere, AdBlock Plus, etc in Firefox & Chromium make
them different browsers.


On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 3:12 PM, William Jon McCann
<william jon mccann gmail com> wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 6:38 AM, Dave Neary <dneary gnome org> wrote:
>> I think that as a project, we have had trouble communicating our vision,
>> because as a project we are not sure what it is. There is a part of the
>> project that has a very clear idea of their vision, but that vision has
>> either not been clearly expressed, or what has been expressed has not got
>> clear support from the community of contributors in the project. For
>> instance, the insistence that theming will damage our brand, or that
>> Cinnamon is not GNOME 3, has led to missed opportunities for the GNOME
>> project, and has not got grass roots support among the GNOME community (and
>> I'm not talking about users here, I'm talking about contributors -
>> developers, translators, user group co-ordinators, and marketers).
> Let's be clear then. Cinnamon is not GNOME 3. The discussion of brand was in
> relation to the stability of extensions and the impact on the user
> experience - and was taken out of context. Neither of these have led to
> missed opportunities. Continuing to misrepresent or misunderstand what we
> are trying to do and trying to say doesn't help us communicate our vision,
> does it?
> Jon
> --
> marketing-list mailing list
> marketing-list gnome org

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