Re: Guadec keynote speaker interview2- need review

On Thu, July 4, 2013 7:32 pm, Flavia Weisghizzi wrote:
Hi all!

I send you the questions I wrote for Cathy Malmrose.
As agree I kept questions directly regarding Guadec, the same we send to
Ethan, and I wrote for Cathy questions n°1 and n°4.

Please take a look and give suggestions, if you want!
These are great! I had a couple of thoughts below. My main question was
whether we should make the question about women optional. Not all women
want to talk about the issue just because they are one :)





1) Showcasing Linux as the superior operating system: this is the claim
welcoming visitors on ZaReason website.
Provide hardware that just work: is there something ethical in this?
How about this:

The Zareason website prominently says that you showcase GNU/Linux as the
superior operating system. What are your thoughts about the ethics of free
operating systems and providing hardware that just works out of the box
for customers?

2) What can we expect from your keynote at GUADEC?

3)What do you expect from GUADEC?

4) Women and Open source is a never-enough discussed issue. Would you
like to share with us an idea for how to encourage more women to join
Open source projects?
How about:

We at GNOME are committed to making our community and as much of the free
software world as inclusive as possible to women - we devote a lot of our
time to running and improving our Outreach Program for Women. As a 
successful woman in free software, have you found any challenges connected
to your gender? Do you have any ideas for how we can encourage more women
to join free and open source software generally?


5) What are you looking forward to most about GUADEC?

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