Re: [guadec-list] Marketing Activities at GUADEC

On 27 June 2013 11:56, Andreas Nilsson <lists andreasn se> wrote:
In order to draw interest and attendance around GUADEC, it would also be
good to do some announcements about who the keynote speakers are on and
I'm in touch with Flavia and Karen already about this. I asked Flavia
to do the interviews. I'm not sure if she has already sent the
questions or not but you should probably co-ordinate in the marketing
team about this.

For the actual attendance part I think we would need the registering system
up and working first though.
Almost there! I'll announce it as soon as it's live.

Maybe presenting one keynote speaker each week. I'm happy to write the
texts, provided someone can help me look for typos before I publish it.
That would be great. My plan is also to announce one keynote speaker
every 4 or 5 days to keep the buzz going.


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