Re: removing the obsolete gnome (gmc) support?

On Thu, Jan 23, 2003 at 09:18:53PM +0100, Arpi wrote:
> Now, that i'm about leaving the MPlayer project, I plan to work again
> on AMC. But I didn't decided yet if i'll continue patching the old 4.1.x
> series or fork the 4.5.x code and remove the crap (mainly gmc), or maybe
> start a new project from scratch and maybe porting some parts from 4.1.x
> or 4.5.x.
> So, the question: are you planning to remove gnome gmc hack in the
> near future from 4.5.x tree?

The current mc release is 4.6.0-pre3, and it has the gmc support
removed (which is wise). The final 4.6.0 release will be available
shortly. 4.5.x is very old and no longer supported.

IMO it would be better for everybody if you help with current mc
development, instead of forking the old code.



  _.|._ |_  _.    : Adam Byrtek, alpha@(|
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