The "unstable" mcview

Hi all,

as you are aware after the last few mails, the current mcview is quite unstable, as I'm working actively on it.
I have decided to do so (and not get every patch reviewed) because I 
think the viewer code needs to be cleared up in some parts. The review 
process would be just to time consuming.
To catch most errors, I have added numerous assert() statements to the 
code to emphasize the preconditions I expect when certain functions are 
I (of course accidentally) introduced the bug in view_move_forward2() 
because this functions returns one of two completely unrelated values, 
one time the current offset, the other time the number of lines that 
have been advanced. Sorry for this, I will soon rewrite the function to 
have an additional parameter that splits this double-use of the return 
For the other bug that has been reported, I currently have too few 
information to tell the cause.
I hope you are not completely disappointed of the bugs, and let me 
continue working on mcview.

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