Re: syntax include?

10:57am Pavel Tsekov said:

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 09:57:55 -0700 (PDT)
Von: Curtis Doty
Betreff: syntax include?
I'm cooking up a little expect.syntax and it seems most parsimonius to try
this at the top:

include tcl.syntax

And then just append the expect language colorings only. But alas my mc
segfaults on this. Am I doing something wrong?
Would you mind sending the syntax file to the list ?

I'm able to segfault with just the one include line above.

But attached is a rough/first draft expect.syntax that works by duplicating the contents of tcl.syntax. There are a couple tweaks to the underlying tcl colors too.
# this was mostly ripped from tcl since expect is a superset

wholechars abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789._

context default
	keyword whole linestart	#!\[\s\]*\n	brightcyan black

	keyword whole after yellow
	keyword whole append yellow
	keyword whole array yellow
	keyword whole bgerror yellow
	keyword whole binary yellow
	keyword whole body yellow
	keyword whole break yellow
	keyword whole case yellow
	keyword whole catch yellow
	keyword whole cd yellow
	keyword whole class yellow
	keyword whole clock yellow
	keyword whole close yellow
	keyword whole concat yellow
	keyword whole constructor yellow
	keyword whole continue yellow
	keyword whole dde yellow
	keyword whole default yellow
	keyword whole delete yellow
	keyword whole destructor yellow
	keyword whole else yellow
	keyword whole elseif yellow
	keyword whole encoding yellow
	keyword whole end yellow
	keyword whole eof yellow
	keyword whole error yellow
	keyword whole eval yellow
	keyword whole exec yellow
	keyword whole exit yellow
	keyword whole expr yellow
	keyword whole fblocked yellow
	keyword whole fconfigure yellow
	keyword whole fcopy yellow
	keyword whole file yellow
	keyword whole fileevent yellow
	keyword whole filename yellow
	keyword whole flush yellow
	keyword whole for yellow
	keyword whole foreach yellow
	keyword whole format yellow
	keyword whole gets yellow
	keyword whole glob yellow
	keyword whole global yellow
	keyword whole history yellow
	keyword whole http yellow
	keyword whole if yellow
	keyword whole incr yellow
	keyword whole info yellow
	keyword whole inherit yellow
	keyword whole insert yellow
	keyword whole interp yellow
	keyword whole join yellow
	keyword whole lappend yellow
	keyword whole library yellow
	keyword whole lindex yellow
	keyword whole linsert yellow
	keyword whole list yellow
	keyword whole llength yellow
	keyword whole load yellow
	keyword whole lrange yellow
	keyword whole lreplace yellow
	keyword whole lsearch yellow
	keyword whole lset yellow
	keyword whole lsort yellow
	keyword whole memory yellow
	keyword whole method yellow
	keyword whole msgcat yellow
	keyword whole namespace yellow
	keyword whole object yellow
	keyword whole open yellow
	keyword whole package yellow
	keyword whole packagens yellow
	keyword whole pid yellow
	keyword whole pkgMkIndex yellow
	keyword whole proc yellow
	keyword whole protected yellow
	keyword whole public yellow
	keyword whole puts yellow
	keyword whole pwd yellow
	keyword whole re_syntax yellow
	keyword whole read yellow
	keyword whole regexp yellow
	keyword whole registry yellow
	keyword whole regsub yellow
	keyword whole rename yellow
	keyword whole resource yellow
	keyword whole return yellow
	keyword whole safe yellow
	keyword whole scan yellow
	keyword whole seek yellow
	keyword whole set yellow
	keyword whole socket yellow
	keyword whole source yellow
	keyword whole split yellow
	keyword whole string yellow
	keyword whole subst yellow
	keyword whole switch yellow
	keyword whole tcltest yellow
	keyword whole tclvars yellow
	keyword whole tell yellow
	keyword whole time yellow
	keyword whole then yellow
	keyword whole trace yellow
	keyword whole unknown yellow
	keyword whole unset yellow
	keyword whole update yellow
	keyword whole uplevel yellow
	keyword whole upvar yellow
	keyword whole variable yellow
	keyword whole vwait yellow
	keyword whole while yellow

#	here are the expect extensions to tcl
	keyword whole		debug		white
	keyword whole		disconnect	white
#	keyword whole		exp_*		white
	keyword whole		expect		white
#	keyword whole		expext_*	white
	keyword whole		expect_after	white
	keyword whole		fork		white
	keyword whole		interact	white
	keyword whole		interpreter	white
	keyword whole		log_file	white
	keyword whole		log_user	white
	keyword whole		match_max	white
	keyword whole		overlay		white
	keyword whole		parity		white
	keyword whole		remove_nulls	white
	keyword whole		send		white
	keyword whole		send_error	white
	keyword whole		send_log	white
	keyword whole		send_tty	white
	keyword whole		send_user	white
	keyword whole		sleep		white
	keyword whole		spawn		white
	keyword whole		strace		white
	keyword whole		sttty		white
	keyword whole		system		white
	keyword whole		timestamp	white
	keyword whole		trap		white
	keyword whole		wait		white

#	special variables and buffers
	keyword whole		env		magenta
	keyword whole		expect_out	magenta

	keyword ${+} brightgreen

wholechars abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_

	keyword wholeright $+ brightgreen
	keyword wholeright \s-\{abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\}+ cyan

	keyword < yellow
	keyword > yellow
	keyword = yellow
	keyword || yellow
	keyword && yellow
	keyword != yellow
	keyword == yellow
	keyword :: yellow
	keyword { brightcyan
	keyword } brightcyan
	keyword ( brightcyan
	keyword ) brightcyan
	keyword [ brightcyan
	keyword ] brightcyan
	keyword ; brightmagenta

context " " green
	keyword wholeright $+ brightgreen
	keyword \\" brightgreen
	keyword \\\n brightgreen
	keyword \\\\ brightgreen
	keyword \\' brightgreen
	keyword \\\{abtnvfr\} brightgreen

	keyword \\[	brightred
	keyword \\]	brightred
	keyword	[*]	brightcyan black
	keyword	[*]	brightcyan black

context # \n brown

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