Re: Software platform for mc development.

Can anyone advise the distro and version being used for current
mc development?
I don't see any logic here.  I believe you are making too many assumptions
without admitting it.  Let me see which assumptions you are making.
1) Are you assuming that all the developers of mc use the same platform?

2) Are you assuming that mc works significantly worse on the platforms
that the developers don't use for development?

3) Are you assuming that mc is not tested on any platform that is not used
for its development?

4) Are you assuming that the mc developers are using the platform on which
mc works best?

5) Are you assuming that you won't be able to participate in the
development if you have a platform different from the one used by the

6) Are you assuming that your bug reports won't be taken seriously if you
have a platform different from the one used by the developers?

I was assuming that a single distro & version is used as a reference for 
checking package integrity, and to resolve any platform-specific bugs. This 
has been standard practice in every software project with which I've ever 
been involved.

I hope that you will answer "no" at least to the questions 3 and 6.
Otherwise I would say that your opinion of the mc developers is very low.
I had not formed ANY opinion of mc developers - until now, that is.

I cannot answer for others, but I'm one of the developers, and I use Red
Hat Linux 8.0 for the development.  This is probably the only major
GNU/Linux distribution where mc doesn't work well out-of-box because of
the Red Hat's attempt to use UTF-8 on the console and in terminals under X
Window System.
That could explain why I tried RH80 and went straight back to RH71.


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