Re: where does mc find the files it needs?

Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote: does mother mc know where to find all this
stuff if I do not see $MC_DATADIR being set?
They're defined in ./configure (around line 177) at compile time.
Indeed they have changed over time, notably since 4.5.55.
Good thing too, my /usr/lib is *crowded*. I have programs that
keep their binaries in there for some reason.

Here's an excerpt from a program called fbi that pretty
much sums up your confusion IMHO:

static char *default_font[] = {

    /* why the heck every f*cking distribution picks another
       location for these fonts ??? */


So, as you can see, it tends to be up to the particular
distribution where to hide things. Good luck.

Peace to all.

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