RE: Broken Background

Thank you, You didn't solve the problem but you pointed me to a workable solution.
I had to modify my terminal settings in puTTY amd place a tick in the "use 
background colour to erase screen"
I wonder why it never disturbed me before now? anyway, now we know, and we 
can tell others.
Thanks again.


At 07:10 PM 2/03/2003 +0100, BARTHAZI Andras wrote:

Create a new connection under putty. I had the same problem before and
it solved.


 >(@) WiSH iNTERNET Consulting |

> -----Original Message-----
> From: mc-admin gnome org [mailto:mc-admin gnome org] On
> Behalf Of Shannon Wynter
> Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2003 5:28 PM
> To: mc gnome org
> Subject: Broken Background
> I've just updated my mc specifically to update the mcedit.
> Something got broken in the process.
> I had to install some libraries before it would compile but
> it eventualy did.
> Please take a look at the picture attached, the bottom one is the old
> mcedit on another machine
> the top one is the new mcedit from the *updated* machine...
> can anyone help
> me solve my background issues? perhaps a broken library? or I
> should have
> changed a compile time setting?
> Thanks...
> Shannon

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