Re: midnight commander UTF-8 patches and more

On 2004-06-24 (Thursday) 08:37, christian laubscher wrote:
with mc - it freezes there. Ex:
      D=$(echo -e 'test\015\012test')
      mkdir "$D"
      cd "$D"
    At this point trying to get out of this dir or switch panels with
<TAB> does nothing.
    Can someone check if this also happends with 'normal' mc?
seems to be working normal here (2004-03-05-08).

    I have mc-4.6.0-14.10 (FC1's original) and mc-4.6.0-14.10n - bouth
do freeze at this case :(

  Doncho N. Gunchev    Registered Linux User #291323 at
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