Re: MC vs. X11.

Hello Ivo,

On Thu, 2004-07-15 at 22:01, Ivo Särak wrote:

      Recently my Fedora Core 2 box came down with an issue what in my
opinion has roots in X11 implementation, but Fedora developers are
blaming MC:

Namely there is no way to use MC on remote host - it will crash out with
"X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
Major opcode of failed request: 38 (X_QueryPointer)"
First you should enable core dumps by adding ulimit -c 100000 to
~/.bashrc. I've been on Gnome lately so bugbuddy will pop up on crashes
which makes it easy to save backtraces. Not sure if this works on KDE,
but you can backtrace (bt) your core dump using gdb -c <core file>
<crashed app>. Please append a backtrace to the above bug report.

Fedora Core developers are ignoring the fact that other applications
throw the very same error and the MC on the other end of SSH link is
being run under Fedora Core 1/RedHat Linux 9 what have never had this
issue (if these are faulty then why it is revealing itself now, not
Xorg's behaviour might be new but not the errant behaviour of the apps
you tested. It's likely xorg's changed behaviour is only revealing
existing bugs. Note the fact that it is mc crashing because it doesn't
handle a received message correctly, not X (see comment #5 against the
above bugzilla entry).

I would like to get some input from MC developers as I have feeling that
my arguments are not enough to convince them.
Have you tried running mc from CVS? Does the condition still occur?

I am wondering if SUSE's X-error patch
has anything to do with this issue. Vladimir? Note that the code in CVS
has changed so this patch gets rejected in it's current form. (Vladimir:
Does it need to be reimplemented?) Ivo, does applying that patch to the
Fedora mc tree fix the crash for you?


mount -t life -o ro /dev/dna /genetic/research

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