Re: A "bug" in Midnight Commander? (the editor)


I keep telling myself that there's a little inadequacy in the built in
editor. I haven't come accoss any reference to this feature in the faq
or built-in help.

Sorry, I'm not a programmer so there's no chance of me contributing
anything.  I suppose I could write a macro to get around this, but that
would be a "work-around" and not a fix.

When you use Ctrl-p to re-format a paragraph then there appears a
double-space in various places of that paragraph.

I reckon this inadequacy is too trivial to justify a fix, but I thought I
should ask anyway, espeically if one has already been made.
Does the text in question have trailing spaces? I dare say it's a rather
common affliction to text editors put in a double space when that happens.

Reynir Stefánsson (reynirhs bakkar is)

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