Re: mc ftp vfs strato


On Tue, 10 Oct 2006, me wrote:

thanks - works too (in 2005-09-25-14)
should be a option in vfs setting since ~/.mc/ini cannot be edited with mcedit
removed my patch and did create a settings option instead - i cannot
Sadly, this is not the only option which needs more exposure :( There
are many options which lack a GUI and are not documented.

check the side effects - the dialog seems dissorted, but i cannot
figure what happens - maybe this stays a quick fix for me....
You have to modify the VFSX and VFSY macros...

would it be rather nessesary to define this option per ftp server -
how could one archive that?
I think it makes sense. To achieve that we would need a new configuration
file to keep track of connection settings. Of couse the connection
dialog box should be changed accordingly.

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