Re: Mc Digest, Vol 58, Issue 11

On 3/5/09, chris glur <crglur gmail com> wrote:
I suspect that linux can change key-macros by
just over-loading some file. But I can't find
how to do it.

mc / mcedit can't use it's key-macros to search
[and replace] because it can't be made not to
stop to insert a serch-argument. Which is a
pity since search [and replace] a pre-know string
is often required during editing.

== Chris Glur

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Define a shortcut key for search (Keith Roberts)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2009 18:08:55 +0000 (GMT)
From: Keith Roberts <keith karsites net>
Subject: Re: Define a shortcut key for search
Cc: mc gnome org
Message-ID: <alpine LFD 2 00 0902261805220 31856 www karsites net>
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed

On Wed, 25 Feb 2009, Enrico Weigelt wrote:

To: mc gnome org
From: Enrico Weigelt <weigelt metux de>
Subject: Re: Define a shortcut key for search

* Caj Zell <caj zell swipnet se> wrote:

On Jan 29, 2009, Enrico Weigelt wrote:
* Mark Ryden <markryde gmail com> schrieb:

For now, hotkeys are hardcoded, so you'll have to change
the code. Is there an reasonable interest in
configurable key bindings ?
Yes, very much so. Changing sort order and toggling of
hidden files view would be very nice to have the
possibility of configuring your own, or at least to have
as shortcuts (in that case, preferably the ones Total
Commander have chosen).
I'm currently thinking of some tiny generic library for
this, which does like this:

a) commands have names (maybe even cmdline args ?)
b) hotkeys are mappings between keycodes and commands
c) menus/buttons map to command names
d) the mappings can be loaded from external files

But: using command names doesnt necessarily mean that
every time strings have to be passed and parsed, instead
an simple function could construct a direct pointer list
where the caller works on.

Enrico Weigelt    ==   metux IT service -
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I'd also like to see user-defined shortcut keys for mc
please. So each user can tailor the shortcut keys for their
own implementation of mc. Maybe mc could start with a set of
default shorcuts that could then be customised?

Kind Regards,

Keith Roberts


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End of Mc Digest, Vol 58, Issue 11

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