Re: mc Digest, Vol 86, Issue 2

I'm not sure that I fuly understand the suggestion;
and `apropos xdg` shows nothing here,
but making `mc` the CENTER of one's computing makes good sense.
The traditional way of relying on monster apps. like univeral
browser/mailer/news..etc. is inferior to the object-oriented
approach, of making you DATA/files the center.

The applications will be replaced in time, but your DATA is the valuable
stuff which lasts forever.

So, by taking you dir-tree as the center [which mc handles so well],
you have nodes/sub-dirs for each project.
A typical project might entail: email, USEnet articles, efax, *.pdf,
htm-articles ..etc.  Different apps will fetch the data/s. But the
data/s for the particular project a centralised.

That's why I need insight to make a table of:
<path which is open with mc> = <Desktop,VT>  eg.
/mnt/p11/legal/fish/med = 3,4
 shows that when an item for fish-medicine arrives, I should just switch
to desktop3, VT4, instead of searching or opening a new `mc`.

I made an app for old knl 2,4 Mandrake to show me this, which depended
on the fact the Mandrake's `pstree-p` showed the VT's grouped under their
Desktop.  Now I'm using slak13 + xfce and I can't use my previous app.

== Chris Glur.

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Today's Topics:

   1. Open files with application (Sergiy Kukunin)
   2. Re: Open files with application (Yury V. Zaytsev)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2011 19:26:39 +0300
From: Sergiy Kukunin <sergey kukunin gmail com>
To: mc gnome org
Subject: Open files with application
Message-ID: <BANLkTikUtdYV4FmPyU3uocwFooLoeaYqfQ mail gmail com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Hello. MC has built-in default application manager in .mc/bindings file. It
is cool, and I want use it for all applications ( browser, pidgin, skype etc
). All of that applications uses xdg-open for opening file in application,
whic is simple bash script. I can replace xdg-open with something similar:
'mc -a $@' and mc determines and starts application for this file.
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Message: 2
Date: Fri, 03 Jun 2011 22:27:10 +0200
From: "Yury V. Zaytsev" <yury shurup com>
To: Sergiy Kukunin <sergey kukunin gmail com>
Cc: mc gnome org
Subject: Re: Open files with application
Message-ID: <1307132830 2698 518 camel newpride>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

On Fri, 2011-06-03 at 19:26 +0300, Sergiy Kukunin wrote:
Hello. MC has built-in default application manager in .mc/bindings
file. It is cool, and I want use it for all applications ( browser,
pidgin, skype etc ). All of that applications uses xdg-open for
opening file in application, whic is simple bash script. I can replace
xdg-open with something similar: 'mc -a $@' and mc determines and
starts application for this file.
Is this a question or a statement?

If it is a question, then I believe it is ill-posed. We actually would
like to modify the built-in mechanism to make it more of a mailcap
parser with few very specific overrides, instead of making it even more

There are many problems with the current implementation. For instance,
it is not possible to extend the defaults, only override the whole file.
A variation of this problem causes issues upon upgrades.

All in all this ended up a NIH re-implementation of mailcap which causes
duplication of the configuration and doesn't bear substantial

So if this is in fact a statement, we would rather appreciate help with
re-doing it, instead of making it even more elaborate and increase

Sincerely yours,
Yury V. Zaytsev


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