re: disable mouse sort order?

It would appear that on May 6, Paul Westell did say:


Of course, an alias only works for actual CLI.
Au contraire! Any environment variables you set within a command-line-box
(xterm, kterm, ...) should persist until the window is closed, but there are
other ways to beat the GUI into submission.
I'll agree with that... Though that isn't what I meant when I said the
above. Setting a temporary alias inside an xterm, roxterm, Eterm, konsole
or even an actual console such as tty1, would be more work than just typing
the "mc -d" as one would have to do it for each xterm, roxterm etc... where
one intended to use mc. (And speaking for myself, I use mc a _LOT_) 
If your login takes you straight into a GUI, write the 'alias' command to your
'$HOME/.bashrc' (also an opportunity to reaffirm other variables the GUI seems
to loose).
That is exactly where I'd recommend setting the alias even if one (like me)
boots to console and only optionally fires up X with the startx command...

What I meant when I said "an alias only works for actual CLI." was that
when you type the aliased command into a true CLI then the shell's
initialization file such as ~/.bashrc is generally in effect. But this is
not always the case when you use a pop-up gui equivalent, such as E17's "run
Everything Launcher" which instead uses the *.desktop files in:
to initialize the command bring typed. (I know this because of something I
used to be able to do with the opera browser. {I multi-boot several Lunux
distros on the same PC, All of which have a nearly identical user
environment. But sometimes require slightly different settings in one ~/*rc
file or another, making a /home partition inadvisable. Instead I have a
personal data partition on which I used to be able to keep a single
bookmarks file to be used by opera no mater which Linux I booted
by pointing at it with a symlink in ~/.opera/bookmarks.adr} However later
versions of opera have taken to overwriting the symlink with the actual
file. So I wrote a wrapper script that would copy the file from the data
partition just before opera starts, and save any changes to the data
partition when opera exits. But I've gotten used to using the everything
launcher to start my browser sessions. So if I wanted my wrapper script
used I have to edit the: /usr/share/applications/opera-browser.desktop
file to "Exec" my wrapper script, every time opera gets upgraded...)

I'm not sure if that would be true of the pop-up/menu "run" prompts found in
kde, gnome, xfce, and likely more DE/WM environments. But I doubt any those
actually qualify as true CLI. So I wouldn't count on those honoring any alias
set in the ~/.bashrc... 

As well as (or instead of) alias mc='mc -d', you might also consider adding
these to your '.bashrc':
      export PS1='\h:\w\$ '
One of the things I put in my ~/.bashrc is:

# set my style prompt 
PS1='JtWdyP -> $PWD
*Note the "> '" above is NOT quoted text, My TWO line prompt {which I've
been using since my first exposure to *nix cli, when former employer allowed
this former warehouse worker to have a general purpose login on one of their
Unix machines} allows me to display the working directory while still allowing
almost the entire screen width before any command input is wrapped... I've
used ">" instead of "$" for so long I no longer remember why I didn't want my
personal prompt to include one...

but especially,
      alias mc='. /usr/bin/ -d'
You may find 'mc-wrapper' in '/usr/share/mc/bin/', or perhaps '/usr/libexec'
depending on your distribution.
Yeah, I like the fact that such a mechanism exists. But if I want the
working directory of the currently selected panel to persist when I close
mc, I'll type "pwd<enter>" before I hit <F10>, then I can copy the
resulting directory path to the clipboard via "double click"...

But most of the time if I want a regular shell window "in" that directory,
I simply use, "^O" and let mc emulate it for me.

|   ---   ___
|   <0>   <->     Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
|       ^              J(tWdy)P
|    ~\___/~      <<jtwdyp ttlc net>>

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