Re: version control systems in meld

Stephen Kennedy wrote:
Hi all,

It's high time meld supported svn and arch properly.
Glad to hear it.


Return a list of names which are the entries at the given path. This
list may contain entries which are not in os.listdir() e.g. removed


For a single item, return an object with the following attributes

state: One of the following states.
"Normal" Checked out and unchanged
"Ignored" Explicitly ignored (i.e. .cvsignore)
"Unknown" Exists locally but not added to repository
"Newly added" Added locally but not yet committed
"Modified" Locally modified
"Conflict" Contains merge conflict
"Removed" Removed from control and local filesystem
"Missing" Checked out but missing from local filesystem

tag: symbolic tag ("testing_branch")

version: version string ("" or "1236")
An extra state, 'illegal' would be very helpful.

As I've mentioned before, Arch files may be both "Unknown" and "Modified"; there are two sets of state,
Inventory status (illegal, unknown, missing, source), (added/unadded)
Modification status (normal, newly added, removed, modified, conflict)

However, the model you propose will probably work 95% of the time.

For Arch, system files are also under version control, but rarely interesting to the user. It would be useful to have a boolean for 'system file'. (for the current implementation, it would be nicer to have an 'include system files' option to listdir)
In Arch, there's only one identifier, the revision name, and it's 
associated with the entire tree (and changes each time you commit).  So 
we can supply a tag, but not a version, and it's not the sort of thing 
you'd want to display, anyhow.
In Arch, every file has a unique ID, and it would be nice to have those 
available, but not crucial.

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