Re: Question/Feature-request.


So I got the code by tar and have looked at it.

I've added a new state called STATE_OUTDATED and the needed texstyle and pixstyle.
I added to _lookup_cvs_files () to check for updated files but have hit a 
It seems there may be no way to know from "Entries[.Log]" to know if a newer 
revision exists in the repository.
I found that the "Entries" will say "Result of merge" in the date field if 
I've locally modified a file that also has a new revision on the server. But 
nothing special if not modified.
As far as I can see all the checking is done without contacting the server 
so I may be out of luck.  But then my python skills are limited so I may be 
missing something.
Also, I've added a button to CVSview called Outdated.  It appears (without 
image) and toggles but the filter is not applied.  On or off, the outdated 
files show up in the list.
Any help with what I'm missing would be great!

Joel Duggan

From: Stephen Kennedy <stevek gnome org>
Reply-To: Stephen Kennedy <stevek gnome org>
To: Joel Duggan <joelduggan hotmail com>
CC: meld-list gnome org
Subject: Re: Question/Feature-request.
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 12:15:53 +0100

> Hi,  I've been using Meld for quite a bit now and like it alot.
> I use it almost exclusively for CVS diffs.
> I have a couple of questions though.

Hi Joel, I'm glad you find it useful - thats mostly what I use it for
too. My motivation was that the cvs cli is unusable when you've got
10000 files in 1500 folders like I do :)

> Is it possible to have the UI remember which options I have selected for the
> filter?

Yes, meld should remember more state. Can you open a bugzilla feature

> Is it possible to have it show me (with a new colour) which files are in
> need of an update?

Currently no - meld only goes to the server for updates and commits.
Wouldn't be too hard to do though if you were so inclined. I've been
looking at the synchronise feature in eclipse and may look into it in
the future.

> If these are not possible please consider it a feature request. I'd help > out with the features but I don't know python. If someone wanted to poke me
> in the proper direction in the source tree and to a quick python guide I
> could give it a try.

If you want to try your hand, the best bet is to check out "branch-0_9"
from You'll probably want to add a new
"update possible" state to and everything else you need is in

Stephen Kennedy <stevek gnome org> visual diff and merge

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